K-Pop Winners at #BurningPumpkinsFest 2022: Solo: 1st place – Stacy – MOVE – TAEMIN – Latvia 2nd place – Elli – After like – IVE – Estonia 3rd place – Yurio – Guerrilla – ATEEZ – Latvia Group: 1st place…
K-Pop Winners at #BurningPumpkinsFest 2022: Solo: 1st place – Stacy – MOVE – TAEMIN – Latvia 2nd place – Elli – After like – IVE – Estonia 3rd place – Yurio – Guerrilla – ATEEZ – Latvia Group: 1st place…
Cosplay winners at #BurningPumpkinsFest 2022: CaptainGhostly Cosplay‘s judge award: Silly Bandits (as Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades from “Castlevania” (Netflix animated series), Estonia) Lady Wolf cosplay‘s judge award: Shinfire Cosplay (as Y’shtola Rhul from “Final Fantasy XIV”, Estonia) Visual Aya‘s judge…
Suured tänud “HOLA JAM” kohvikule Festivali lõuna ajal sai igaüks end kosutada kohviku “HOLA JAM” poolt rikkalike kulinaarsete traditsioonidega valmistatud kuuma kõrvitsasupiga. Külalistele ja osalejatele meeldis väga Tõnismägi 16 kohvikupidaja peakoka retsepti järgi valmistatud vürtsikas supp. Aitäh kokk Alexandrale Kultuurikatla…
Welcome! First guests from Latvia have arrived to Tallinn for participation in the Burning Pumpkins festival! During two days , the orange and yellow visitors will decorate our unique venue. On the second day of the event, every visitor shall…
NARASANTI NARASANTI is a band from Tallinn, Estonia. It was founded in June 2019. We perform in Nu-Metal/Nu-metalcore/Rapcore genres. The name NARASANTI comes from the word “NARA” (Narasiṃha) — is a fierce avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. And the…
SPECIAL PRICE FROM MORELL STORE ( LV ) AND GIFTS TO ALL BURNING PUMPKINS COSPLAY COMPETITION PRIZE-WINNERS! Morell Store is a dealer of Epoxy resin in the Baltics. Epoxy resin has been known to the cosplay world for many years…
Konichiwa! Hello! I’m Lisbeth, a young tattoo artist from Tallinn. I will participate in the festival where there is an opportunity for us to see each other. Decorate your bodies with small and atmospheric tattoos and leave a memory of…
COSPLAY COMPETITION LIST BLOCK 1 | 14:00 – 15:30 Number Cosplayer/cosband Fandom Category 1 SCAF Hatsune Miku: colourful stage Stage show 2 Lavo4ka Trio Dream SMP Stage show 3 NatsumiPon Cyberpunk Edgerunners Défilé 4 Crazy beans Genshin Impact Stage show…
Dear All! Thank you for your applications for participation in the Burning Pumpkins Festival. This time we expect the biggest Art Alley in our history. For participation in our festival you’ll need to buy 2-days ticket HERE: or HERE:…
Great news! TheSoul Publishing is coming to the Burning Pumpkins festival from Riga to make sure you will get awesome personal videos to remember!The company’s stand will work according to the following schedule:11:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 16:00, 17:00 – 19:00…
Hi, all! Inform you that we received more that 160 submissions for participation in K-POP competition. According to our rules, we wouldn’t accept more than 80 applications. But we tried to accept as much as we could. According to technical…
SNACK OF THE FEST! Have you ever tasted Taiyaki? This traditional Japanese snack is baked in a special taiyaki pan, until golden. Taiyaki can be found in every corner of Japan sold with a variety of fillings. The most popular…
OFFICIAL DRINK OF BURNING PUMPKINS FESTIVAL “Warm Pumpkin Spice Coffee Black Tea (with Homemade Boba)” from YumCha! The drink is filled with the aroma of baked pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg, together with our signature homemade Boba and coffee black tea from Taiwan.…
Scar Wax Workshop Scar Wax Workshop by Karoliina Kreem on the 29th of October. at 13.00 Number of active participants: 10 (15 max) Registration at the entrance, Tallinna Kultuurikatel, 29.10. from 11 am. The goal of the workshop is to…
Warhammer 40000 Burning Pumpkins Tournament Long awaited tournament is going to happen!Get your miniatures ready and head to Tallinna Kultuurikatel to battle against xenos, spacemarine and chaos! When:– Sunday, 30th of October 2022 Where:– Tallinna KultuuriKatel, Põhja pst 27a, 10415…
Põlevate kõrvitsate festival See Halloween peab jääma meelde pikaks ajaks. Subkultuuride festivali külalisi ootab rikkalik kultuuriprogramm, mis hõlmab ühtaegu nii idamaiseid kui ka pühakutepäeva traditsioone . Festivali kaunistavad sajad kõrvitsad. Noorte kunstnike installatsioonid muudavad Kultuurikatla õudusfilmide võttepaigaks. Kutsume teid kogema…